Our family...
consists of several generations of hardworking farmers. The memories of eating the Muscadine grapes off our grandparents’ vines is priceless. Tuscan Rose vineyards is a Harvest your Own Vineyard. We hope our vineyard will give you the opportunity to experience those wonderful moments with your family, as we have with ours. There are several different varieties of grapes in the vineyard, such as Fry, Late Fry, Supreme, Pam, Black Beauty and Ison. They are perfect to eat right off the vine, make jams, jellies, juices and wine. In addition to their sweet taste, Muscadine grapes are fat-free, high in fiber, and high in antioxidants. It’s a very healthy fruit.
As our vineyard continues to grow, we will be adding different varieties of Muscadine grapes. It will give you the opportunity to try different flavors, sizes and colors.
Harvesting will begin in late summer, so don’t forget. It’s a wonderful time for the entire family!